ESET named a major player in IDC MarketScape endpoint security reports

Enterprise and small to medium business technology end-users have acclaimed ESET as a major player in two recent global IDC MarketScape reports, noting that they regarded ESET as a security solutions provider with excellent capabilities and strategies.

With the rising number of security threats globally, the company’s major focus is on providing end-point security to organisations of all sizes. The IDC MarketScape reports – the Worldwide Modern Endpoint Security Enterprise 2021 Vendor Assessment and the Worldwide Modern Endpoint Security SMB 2021 Vendor Assessment assessed various vendors’ endpoint security offerings across the SMB and enterprise market.

Thorough detection and response mechanisms and modern endpoint security products protect personal computing devices from cyber attacks. Endpoint protection (EPP) and endpoint response (EPR) are two critical criteria assessed for the IDC MarketScape reports. In both reports, ESET was noted for reinvesting its profits into software development, core threat research and threat hunting – the essential areas for advancing its products.

ESET was also recognised for its local language support across an expansive base of global customers. ESET's participation in independent EPP and EDR evaluations and willingness to put its products to the test were highlighted, as well as its broad and natively integrated cross-product platform solutions. 

A major benefit for customers is derived from the in-house threat hunting services and the unique threat data that ESET collects and analyses continually.

Steve Flynn, sales and marketing director at ESET Southern Africa, notes: “All this has been enabled by ESET’s constant drive for self-improvement throughout its history, robust research, technology-driven culture and stable leadership.”

“With cyber-attacks being one of the most pertinent threats to modern businesses, at ESET we invest heavily in our people and our technology to deliver solutions that address the constantly evolving threat landscape”, Flynn said.

ESET is committed to protecting businesses of all sizes, including its managed service providers and partners with cutting-edge modern endpoint security. “We are proud that our continued investment in our customers and partners, through our ever-improving services and solutions, is recognised externally too”, he said