Promotional Solutions
We have a variety of media and means to promote your business to our specialist audience. EngineerIT has differentiated online and pdf/print editions, while also leveraging off social channels. We can offer businesses a customised solution to ensure you get to our niche audience of professionals in the best possible way. Contact us for more information, guidance, and our rates.
What is EngineerIT
EngineerIT is a business-to-business magazine published the Now Media Group in print/pdf and online. It is focused on the business of science, engineering and information technologies. EngineerIT provides a voice for the Institute of Information Technology Professionals South Africa (ITTPSA), Wireless Access Providers Association (WAPA), the Information Technology Association (ITA), the IEEE SA Section, the National Laboratory Association (NLA), the National Metrology Institute of South Africa (NMISA), the South African National Accreditation System (SANAS), the South African Council for Automation and Control (SACAC/IFAC), the Society for Automation, Instrumentation, Measurement and Control (SAIMC), the Telkom Society of Engineers (TSE), FTTX Council Africa, the Association of Representatives for the Electronics Industry (AREI) and the Manufacturing Enterprise Solutions Association (MESA).
Target Audience
The engineering sectors in their widest context, including computer, software, information, communications, process, manufacturing, industrial, electronics, electromechanical, mining, construction, civil, chemical, industrial and medical.
Executives, officials, managers, academics, researchers, designers, developers, engineers, technologists and technicians in the public and private sectors in these fields.
System integrators, project managers and consultants in the public and private sectors in these fields.
Manufacturers, marketers and suppliers of products, systems and services to these important sectors.
Fields of Interest
Information and communication technology (ICT), including telecommunications, networking, broadcasting, computing and software. Electronics design, manufacture, test and components. Measurement and instrumentation. Automation and control. Amateur radio, aerospace technology and astronomy.