Artificial Intelligence (AI) is now firmly in the mainstream as workplaces and jobs begin to undergo a transformation that is both daunting and exhilarating. According to the Future of Work Report 2024, over 95% of global business leaders agree that AI will profoundly influence how companies deliver services. Joshua Mills, Talent Manager at Dariel Software, says that just as AI is changing how tech businesses operate, it also marks a shift in how to attract and retain top talent, and how skilled tech professionals plan their careers over the long term.
“The dual sentiment of enthusiasm and scepticism surrounding AI is understandable. A 2023 Goldman Sachs report estimates that around 300 million jobs globally could be impacted by AI, with as many as a quarter of those becoming automated. Despite this, the potential of AI to transform work for the better is also very much in play,” says Mills.
He says the shift to AI-driven workplaces calls for a proactive approach to talent management and career planning as the demand for roles that leverage human creativity and emotional intelligence will increase. “AI can be viewed as a way of augmenting our natural cognitive abilities and transforming mundane tasks into opportunities for creative engagement. By automating routine processes, AI frees up our time, allowing us to focus on innovation and strategic thinking. These skills, at least for now, are quintessentially human and not easily replicated by machines.”
The Future of Work report notes that the current situation around AI is fluid and constantly evolving. No longer the domain of large technology companies or educational institutions, almost anyone, anywhere, can use AI-based tools to improve their productivity by around 30-40%. “At Dariel, our focus is on preparing our workforce for the future by placing a greater emphasis on the so-called soft skills like leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving, which are the attributes that will define the leaders of tomorrow,” explains Mills.
In an AI-centric world, adaptation and continuous learning will be more important than ever before. Research from the Future of Work Report indicates that educated, white-collar professionals are unlikely to be immune to the changes brought on by AI automation and that up to 40% of skilled professionals working today will have to adapt within their roles or to new roles within the next three years. “Leading businesses will need to commit to meaningful reskilling and upskilling initiatives, while tech professionals should take a holistic, long-term view of their career and evaluate how best they can play to their strengths,” Mills adds.
He says the evolving AI dynamic will mean that professionals that can effectively incorporate and utilise AI will have a distinct advantage. “Ensuring teams can effectively work with AI means understanding its capabilities and limitations and providing the human skills to enhance these tools with their unique insights.”
Mills says the dialogue around AI is changing. What was once a conversation about feasibility has become one about strategic integration and human enhancement. “The reality is that it’s not about how quickly an organisation can adopt AI technologies, but rather about educating a workforce on the use cases for these tools, in order to foster greater business innovation and personal job satisfaction.”
“Whether one is optimistic or pessimistic about AI, exactly how jobs will be affected in 10 to 20 years from now is unknowable. What is more certain is that by fostering a culture of curiosity, creativity, and continuous learning, we can prepare employees not just to respond to technological advancements but to lead them,” says Mills.