How much money have you lost due to unhappy customers?

At first frustration of a service provider, how quick are we, as consumers, willing to move onto the next available brand? Since COVID, many companies were forced to move to a distributed workforce and be easily accessible online to customers. There are pros and cons to this dilemma of building visibility from remote work or work for home scenarios and ensuring responsive customer service.

In Europe, statistics have shown that transaction emails increased to more than 4-times the number of notifications per day than pre-COVID. There is the certainty that this will increase exponentially across local business' as global markets become accessible. In other words, to compete you need to be on your A-game where missing purchase confirmation emails and customer requests are not an option anymore. Customers buy from people they know, like and trust. With the plethora of options, don't lose to your rival service provider or brand.

Obsidian Systems are helping teams work smarter to build systems, skill up staff and create experiences that will delight your customers. As a long-standing partner with Atlassian, we have extensive experience in the health, banking, retail space and more. For more information go to

Listen to the latest Obsidian Systems podcast with James Wicks, Atlassian Business Consultant, as he discusses Jira and collaboration.