ICASA releases draft International Mobile Telecommunication Roadmap.

The IMT Roadmap provides the Authority’s proposals with respect to the use of radio frequency spectrum for International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) in South Africa. The IMT Roadmap 2024 is aimed at superseding the IMT Roadmap 2019 . The 2024 document amplifies the “Final Frequency Migration Plan 2019”. The draft roadmap defines the frequency bands identified for IMT deployment and also stipulates the compelled migration of current licensees either completely out of the identified frequency bands or migration within the existing frequency bands identified for IMT services.

For those bands where the migration process was deemed to be complex in respect of cost and benefits for the incumbents, the Authority is to embark on feasibility studies to identify solutions to preserve the best interests of the current operators in the bands.

ICASA’s primary objectives are the assurance of spectrum efficiency, universal availability of broadband services as well as the establishment of a vibrant and competitive telecommunications industry being attractive to investors. Most importantly, the Authority is in the process of establishing a renewed vision for South Africa that is completely aligned with international and ITU trends for IMT. For reference, RECOMMENDATION ITU-R M.2083-0 describes the IMT Vision – Framework and overall objectives of the future development of IMT for 2020 and beyond. This recommendation defines the framework and overall objectives for the future development of International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) for 2020 and beyond in light of the roles that IMT could play in serving the needs of the networked society better, for both developed and developing countries.

The documents are available in the ICASA website at www.icasa.org.za.  Written submissions are invited and should be submitted in both word and PDF formats by no later than 10 June 2024 by email to rmakgotlho@icasa.org.za  with a copy to jdikgale@icasa.org.za. Public hearings, if requested, will be held soon after the closing date for comments

Although it is an extensive and very detailed document, over 200 pages, if your interest is in IMT, it is important to study the proposals as they will affect the way South Africa will communicate in the future.