IITPSA President’s Awards seeks more youth, technology excellence nominations.

deadline for nominations for the 2023 IITPSA President’s Awards, to allow more time for nominations, particularly for the Technology Excellence and the Dynamism in ICT Youth awards categories.

The deadline for all nominations has been extended to 17:00 on Sunday 27 August.

IITPSA President, Admire Gwanzura says the prestigious President’s Awards have attracted another outstanding field of nominations in the best-known and longest-standing categories – IT Personality of the Year and Visionary CIO – as well as in the newer Social Responsibility/Community Award.

“We have had a good response thus far, and the adjudication panel will have their work cut out for them in choosing winners from the nominees this year,” says Gwanzura. 

“However, submissions have been slower for our Technology Excellence Award and Dynamism in ICT Youth Award. These awards raise the public profiles of the winners, which is good for their organisations and their personal career development. They enjoy a great deal of industry recognition and enhanced credibility because of their awards. We therefore urge IITPSA members and stakeholders in the IT, business and education sectors to nominate candidates who deserve recognition.”

The Technology Excellence Award is presented to a person or team who has made exceptional or innovative use of technology for an organisation and/or who has exhibited technological excellence that has delivered measurable benefit for business/the SA Economy.

The Dynamism in ICT Youth Award recognises a person under the age of 25 for exceptional potential or achievement in ICT. Nominees should be nominated by educators, employers, colleagues or mentors and may include students excelling in STEM studies with outstanding bodies of work; young entrepreneurs in the IT sector; and individual up-and-coming IT professionals.

This year’s IITPSA President’s awards theme is: ‘IT Visionaries: Celebrating the ICT Industry’s Embrace of the Future’, recognising those ICT professionals who are driving ICT innovation and progress in South Africa. Winners will be named at an award ceremony in November.

To nominate candidates, go to https://www.iitpsa.org.za/annual-presidents-awards-criteria-nominations/