Innovative transformer solutions for South Africa

The energy debate for South Africa is complex, not just because of Eskom, the company that is blamed for all electricity ills, but for many other reasons such as poor maintenance and unanticipated demand because of poor town planning. It ultimately all boils down to having a well developed and strong local transformer manufacturing industry to meet the country’s needs in the distribution chain, and letting Eskom, and now also the Independent Power Producers (IPP), deal with the generation issues.

“You may be surprised to read of the importance I place on the transformer industry and quite rightly so, because it is the end point of the electricity supply to your home, offices and factories”, said Morne Bosch, general manager, sales and marketing of Armcoil. “The reason that I include local manufacturing as an important factor in this industry is because multi-model, local manufacturing creates jobs, grows the economy and also creates a set of design and manufacturing skills required to meet the challenges of replacements and upgrades within a current defined space. In addition, it is because of new developments in renewable energy, wind and solar farms.

ArmCoil offers a wide variety of transformer and miniature substations focussed on reliability, high quality, and performance. Included in the range are high efficiency transformers which have many advantages over conventional transformers, such as lower energy consumption and fewer losses, reducing consumption. Read the full article in the October edition of EngineerIT, now online a a Ebook  and in PDF format.