Just the product for ensuring heat dissipation

HTC heat transfer compound is a non-silicone thermal interface material recommended where the efficient and reliable thermal coupling of electrical and electronic components is required or between any surface where thermal conductivity or heat dissipation is important. The product should be applied to the base and mounting studs of diodes, transistors, thyristors, heat sinks, silicone rectifiers and semi-conductors, thermostats, power resistors and radiators.

HTC is a non-curing heat transfer paste, designed for use as a thermal interface material. It is recommended where the efficient and reliable thermal coupling of electronic components or heat dissipation between any surfaces are required. HTC is a non-silicone paste, suitable for applications where silicones are prohibited, thus avoiding issues with silicone and low molecular weight siloxane migration

HTC has excellent non creep characteristics with a very high thermal conductivity of 0,9 W/m.K, wide operating temperature -50 to +130C and low evaporation weight loss. Easy to use and low toxicity.

For more information contact Vepac Electronics on 0114548053 or sales@vepac.co.za