Breaking News: NASA and SANSA to establish antenna facility for NASA’s LEGS programme

The South African National Space Agency (SANSA) today announced the signing of a significant agreement with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), marking a major milestone in South Africa’s participation in international space programmes. This historic partnership solidifies SANSA’s inclusion in NASA’s global lunar exploration ground sites (LEGS) programme and will see the establishment of a NASA antenna facility at the Matjiesfontein (MTJ) site.

“The MTJ ground station is under construction in anticipation of hosting a NASA facility for the Artemis programme. The agreement affirms that we will be part of NASA’s efforts to take humans back to the Moon while preparing for life on it,” said Eugene Avenant, chief engineer and acting executive director at SANSA Space Operations.

NASA’s deputy associate administrator for space communications and navigation (SCaN), Kevin Coggins, affirmed NASA’s support for the partnership. “NASA is evolving its networks to meet the needs of Artemis and our international partners who are key in this effort. We are pleased to be working with SANSA and look forward to the MTJ LEGS site playing a long-term role in humanity’s return to the Moon.”

The signed agreement outlines the collaborative responsibilities for funding, development, operation and maintenance of the NASA antenna facility at MTJ. NASA views spacecraft tracking services from the Southern Hemisphere as a critical component of the Artemis programme. In addition to offering conducive atmospheric conditions, the MTJ site in the Western Cape is ideally positioned to provide space vehicle tracking and communication links to the global space market.

Avenant said the Department of Science, Technology and Innovation continues to contribute to the project through technical and financial support for construction of the facility. Construction is progressing well with the site cleared and the access road being prepared for security fence installation. Site designs are being finalised with construction completion expected in the third quarter of 2026.

This strategic partnership between SANSA and NASA marks the next step in SANSA’s journey to positioning South Africa as a leader in the African space science and technology sector. It will create numerous opportunities for knowledge transfer, capacity building and workforce development.