‘Quiet quitters’ are draining battle-weary businesses

Quiet quitting is a new phenomenon in the workplace that threatens to overwhelm already pressured business leaders. It refers to employees who are doing the very least they can get away with, or who are ‘disengaged’ from the job.

Human resource capital experts believe it is one of the effects of the COVID-19 lockdown. Employees have either deliberately or inadvertently become ‘quiet quitters’ as they look to return to ‘normalcy’ and work-life balance in the workplace. CRS Technologies says the situation is real and more serious than some businesses would believe.

An article published on Gallup.com says quiet quitters make up at least 50% of the United States workforce. A piece on npr.org quotes Zaid Khan, who sums up the situation very well: “I recently learned about this term called quiet quitting, where you’re not outright quitting your job, but you’re quitting the idea of going above and beyond.”

While it is difficult to quantify the issue from an African or South African point of view, Nicol Myburgh, Head: CRS Technologies HCM Business Unit, says there is some understanding of what has given rise to the issue.

“We know that burnout is a growing concern in the workplace today, across many industries. There are many factors at play here, including socio-economic stress, mental fatigue, and the impact of remote working. It is important for business leaders to be cognisant of what the reasons may be for the situation – however, they cannot afford to simply allow the situation to continue. This is not an option.”

Human resource-focused organisations and industry commentators have warned that this problem could actually be worse than the implications of the so-called ‘great resignation’.

“In today’s economy the margin for error is so small, with competition for business and resources so fierce that no company can afford to lose the competitive advantage that a motivated, focused labour force represents. Many business decision-makers are aware of the need to make up for lost time and lost business, and ‘dig deep’ to ensure they are still relevant to customers and vastly different markets.

CRS Technologies has drafted a few guidance points that businesses can use to better manage the quiet quitting trend and avoid having to take drastic measures to control a frustrated, confused and tired labour force.

Among the top points to consider are:

  • Keep increases in workload short-term;
  • Compensate your team;
  • Make stepping up optional;
  • Be upfront about role growth;
  • Utilise employee recognition strategies;
  • Build rapport and relationships.

“As with many labour-related issues in business today, quiet quitting is something that won’t be easily dealt with, or quickly eliminated. But a consistent, well-thought-out strategy that is well communicated and in line with compliance and governance policies and practice will most certainly help to eliminate many potential problems. CRS Technologies is an experienced partner with all the product and technology knowledge that can and will add value,” says Myburgh.

For more information go to https://www.crs.co.za/