Seven reasons to get your news from AI.

Alan Levy at NewsGPT

The ways people are engaging with news have been evolving thanks to the rise of artificial intelligence (AI). Sitting at the heart of this change, I’ve seen first-hand how AI is reshaping the world’s news consumption habits. Of course, the impact of AI has been multi-faceted. Below, I’ve compiled seven reasons why I believe that relying on AI for news is the way of the future.

1. Unbiased content

First off, imagine getting your news in the purest form possible—unbiased and unfiltered. That's the reality when using platforms like At a time when many publications have personal (from a journalist’s perspective) and political (from an ownership perspective) biases, getting the news as ‘raw’ as possible is a game-changer. Reading news that does not have any undue influence means you have the information in its purest form possible. With AI, news delivery becomes both honest and direct.

2. Always online

There’s also the aspect of constant connectivity. The fear of missing out on the latest headlines is now a thing of the past thanks to AI-driven news outlets like NewsGPT. These outlets keep you in the loop with the latest developments around the clock. Think of it as having your personal news butler. Whether it's breaking news in the early hours of the morning or a sporting event that finishes late at night, with AI you’re in the pound seats. This level of accessibility and timeliness is something traditional news mediums with limited budgets and resources struggle to match.

3. Customise your news

Customisation is another significant game-changer. Why subscribe to a generic news feed when you can tailor one to suit your unique requirements? With innovations like Project CYON, you get to curate a news playlist that mirrors your interests. If you're all about tech but not too keen on sports, that's precisely what you'll get. Think of it as building your dream home but focused on news consumption. Having such a personalised approach means you’ll always be engaged and interested in news that caters to your tastes. Get early access to Project CYON here

4. Immersive experience

We cannot forget the (at least for now) novelty factor of AI news. You can now start using virtual sets and AI avatars to go beyond merely watching the news. Suddenly, the events become an immersive experience where you get front-row seats to what’s happening. This transforms news to become completely captivating.

5. Large Language Models

The proverbial secret sauce behind the AI revolution is the power of proprietary Large Language Models (LLM). These are the engines driving the storytelling and intelligent analysis that give you the news. More than just broadcasting news, LLM makes it possible for AI to present stories in a way that resonates and engages, creating a compelling narrative that makes content more accessible than before.

6. Globally connected

Being globally connected is something we’ve taken as a given. AI news goes beyond geographical boundaries, bringing stories from around the world right to your device. It's like having the world at your fingertips, exploring news and stories from all over. Having such a comprehensive perspective enriches your understanding and appreciation of what’s happening on other shores to help make you a truly global citizen.

7. No more information overload

Lastly, AI tackles the issue of information overload head-on. Let’s face it, everyone’s vying for our attention with many distractions to contend with. AI news platforms like sift through the noise to deliver news that truly matters. These services give you access to a personal news curator who filters through the fluff to present the cream of the crop. This makes staying informed an enjoyable experience and not a slog to do every day.

So, what are you waiting for? Dive in and experience this UnHuman Truth for yourself. The shift towards AI for news is fast becoming the norm with information more accessible, customisable, and reliable.

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