Troubleshooting telecoms: A smarter way.

5G brings increased opportunities, higher expectations, and new challenges. Capturing and analysing rapidly growing and varied data volumes needs to be cost and time efficient. A proactive, subscriber-centric analytics approach is the way forward to troubleshoot and resolve service experience issues in a smarter, faster, and more accurate way.

Today’s challenge is to make sense of the mounting complexity of underlying technology and simplify the services being offered to telcos, partners, and customers alike. At the same time the demand being placed on the network from the ‘outside’ continues to expand from individuals, households, businesses, and societies, let alone from machines and sensors across the globe. Never have so many aspects of our personal and business lives been predicated on the connectivity services that the telecom industry delivers. The explosion of multiple forms of traffic underpinning business-to-business-to-everything (B2B2X) models is leading to unmanageable volumes of data requiring constant analysis.

Given the emerging tools and the power of cloud-based computer platforms, there’s a temptation to gather every single piece of data, store it in an unwieldy data lake, and try to analyse it all. But a more sophisticated solution now exists. Read this and other interesting articles in the current edition of EngineerIT.