Vertiv Introduces DynaFlex battery energy storage system.

Vertiv introduced the Vertiv™ Synflex BESS, a battery energy storage system designed to enable energy independence and bolster sustainability efforts at mission critical facilities. The Vertiv DynaFlex BESS provides flexibility in the use of utility power and is a critical step in the deployment of a dynamic power architecture.

The lithium-ion batteries in the BESS provide utility-scale energy for long duration support, allowing seamless and repeated transitions between energy sources. When paired with the optional Vertiv™ DynaFlex EMS (Energy Management System), the Vertiv DynaFlex BESS enables advanced energy management strategies, such as demand management and sharing or selling energy back to the grid.

 “Sustainability has become a core tenet of many organisations’ growth plans but concerns about operational resilience and growing stress on the grid have limited efforts to adopt alternative energy sources,” said Peter Panfil, vice president, global power, Vertiv. “The DynaFlex BESS opens the full energy management toolbox. It allows organisations to leverage the strengths of these new energy generation assets and relegates the traditional utility provider to a complementary role in a more dynamic, efficient, and reliable mix of energy sources.”

“It is becoming increasingly important for mission-critical facilities across the globe to find reliable sources of energy that can handle significant events or fuel access restrictions, and even more so within Africa, where many countries are experiencing serious grid constraints,” said Wojtek Piorko, managing director, Africa at Vertiv.

The Vertiv™ DynaFlex BESS is designed specifically for mission-critical environments, such as commercial industrial facilities, high-value manufacturing plants, data centres, and other facilities where power plays a critical role. The system’s power conversion system (PCS) is designed to support 2 millisecond output, virtually eliminating any delays while shifting the load between hybrid power sources. Paired with an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system, the reliable, highly efficient design of the Vertiv DynaFlex BESS reduces the risk of data centre outages and diesel generator starts.

The UL9540A-tested lithium-ion batteries in the Vertiv DynaFlex BESS are designed to minimise fire risks, are free-standing with a small footprint, and are designed for modularity. This scalable solution ranges in sizes from 250kW - 100MW. The  lithium-ion batteries provide utility-scale energy storage that can be used as an always-on power supply. As a result, facilities and power management teams can use this battery energy storage system to smooth out power usage and seamlessly transition to always-on battery-enabled power supply whenever needed. By doing so, organisations can reduce OpEx costs, such as peak demand charges, on an ongoing basis. They can also participate in energy arbitrage and other services, enhancing profitability.