What’s a DMM?

Technology is rapidly changing our world. Electrical and electronic circuitry seems to permeate everything and continues to get more complex and smaller in size. The communication industry booms with cell phones and pagers, and Internet connections have put more pressure on electronics technicians. Servicing, repairing, and installing this complex equipment in these environments requires diagnostic tools that provide accurate information.

So what exactly is a DMM?  A DMM is simply an electronic tape measure for making electrical measurements. It may have any number of special features, but mainly a DMM measures volts, ohms, and amperes. DMMs measure faster, more efficiently and with greater accuracy, in almost any job in any industry.  The three watchwords when selecting your DMM are safety, quality and performance.  Fluke models include handheld troubleshooters to ultra-smart instruments packed with features, including the ability to log and graph data, as well as high-precision bench units.

Choosing your DMM

Choosing a DMM for the job requires not only looking at basic specifications, but also looking at features, functions, and the overall value represented by a meter’s design and the care taken in its production, reliability and robustness. Reliability, especially under tough conditions, is more important than ever today. By the time Fluke DMMs are ready to be tossed into tool cases, they’ve undergone a rigorous testing and evaluation programme. User safety is a primary consideration in the design of Fluke’s DMMs, providing adequate component spacing, double insulation and input protection helps prevent injury and meter damage when they are used improperly. Fluke designs its DMMs to the latest, most demanding safety standards, with your safety in mind. Fluke offers many DMMs with different combinations of features like auto hold analogue bar graphs, and enhanced resolution. Accessories for high current and temperature measurements are available to extend the capabilities of DMMs.

The range comprises:

  • 280 Series DMMs – for advanced diagnostic and logging functionality for maximizing productivity
  • 233 Remote display multi-meter – ultimate flexibility with removable display
  • 80 Series V DMMs – performance and accuracy for maximum industrial productivity
  • 170 Series DMMs – versatile meters for field service or bench repair
  • 110 Series DMMs – Compact design for ergonomic one-handed operation
  • 27II / 28II Rugged Industrial Meters – designed to survive water, dust and rough handling troubleshooting most electrical problems
  • 88V Automotive meter – for auto-electric diagnosis

For more information on Fluke’s DMM range, technical or seminar information, visit www.comtest.co.za. For DMM product information click https://bit.ly/3Ka7ECF